Vivona Brands is committed to creating a successful business whilst ensuring environmental impact is minimised and that we behave in a safe and considered manner.

The main responsibility for developing corporate policies on social, ethical and environmental matters and for reviewing their effectiveness lies with the Vivona Brands Board.

Further it is the formal responsibility of our business managers to communicate and implement CSR within their business area, taking account of relevant legislation to ensure compliance with policy and to help maintain, review and refine procedures accordingly.

Vivona Brands policies and procedures, including those relating to social, environmental, health and safety, employment and ethical matters, are formally communicated to all staff through our staff handbook and to vendors and other third parties through our supplier manual, both of which we review, update and communicate regularly.



We are committed to adopting environmentally responsible policies.

health and safety

We recognise our health and safety responsibilities and compliance with all relevant legislation and best practice. We provide a safe and secure workplace and promote good health and safety and environmental practices.

Health and Safety matters are discussed at every Board Meeting.

employment, human rights and ethics

It is our policy to recognise all legislation and best practice relating to employment rights and equal opportunities, with particular reference to non-discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, religion, gender, age, marital status, disability or sexual orientation.

We ensure that physical, verbal and psychological abuse, or sexual or other forms of harassment towards employees are not tolerated.

We do not use forced labour nor employ workers under the school-leaving age.

Our remuneration and benefits meet or exceed national minimum requirements and we adhere to working time regulations in countries where these apply.

All staff are expected to behave with integrity and honesty and adhere to our code of ethics.

We recognise the value that our employees create for the business and we are committed to staff training and personal development, together with remuneration policies which are designed to reward achievement and emphasise the importance of retaining staff.

In addition we are committed to protecting the career and reputation of employees who report wrong doing in accordance with established procedures, provided their disclosures are delivered in good faith and seek to safeguard the best interests of the company.

Staff may report any concerns they have over unethical business practices or conduct, dangers to health and safety, or breach of company policies. Any such disclosures are appropriately investigated.

Vivona Brands provides regular communication and updates to all staff about the business and company performance.

We do not donate (including sponsorship, subscriptions or provision of employee time or facilities) to any political party or similar organisation.

We do not give or receive any bribes, extra contractual gratuities, inducements, facilitation fees or similar payments.

We do not make gifts  to customers or business contacts, or allow our staff to receive the same, whether in cash or kind, unless these are in the course of normally accepted business entertainment or the subject of prior written approval by management.

We support local charities and participate in a range of community projects.

Vivona Brands takes its social responsibilities very seriously and conducts its business in accordance with its core values of integrity, respect, commitment and creativity. Nevertheless business practices can always be improved and we are therefore committed to understanding more about modern slavery and improving our practices to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not present in our business or supply chain.

Please click here to read the Vivona Brands Modern Act Slavery Statement.